Inbound Marketing Work Samples

 Browse samples of freelance inbound marketing and HubSpot work I’ve performed for some incredible clients below.

PARKITECT and InboundLabsBobbi Parker-Hallinf!navateNWEATCMHighViz Marketing
The Creative Momentum work sample: inbound marketing strategy, email marketing and automation, blog management and Q/A, HubSpot

Client: The Creative Momentum


Inbound marketing strategy and HubSpot expertise


SEO inbound marketing strategyemail marketing email copy editing Google Analytics Google Search ConsoleHubSpot marketing technology

Project Scope and Outcome:

The Creative Momentum is a nationally-ranked web design and HubSpot partner agency located in Atlanta that specializes in web design and development, UI/UX, inbound marketing, SEO, PPC, copywriting, conversion rate optimization and more.

Work I perform includes:

  • Strategic inbound marketing recommendations
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Editorial oversight and QA for blog posts
  • HubSpot tasks and expertise

Blog traffic has grown on average 13% each month, and approximately doubled since I began working and optimizing The Creative Momentum’s blogs.

Learn more about the Creative Momentum here.

PARKITECT work sample: strategic blog management, SEO, brand authority

Client: Parkitect & Inboundlabs


Blog and content strategy for SEO; brand authority


Inbound marketing strategy HubSpot search engine optimization (SEO) content strategy editorial calendar management content creation copy writing copy editing Google Analytics Google Search Console marketing technology

Project Scope and Outcome:

PARKITECT is the original manufacturer and distributor of modular pumptracks worldwide. They hired InboundLabs Germany to create and manage their blog in order to increase their prominence in the SERPs (search engine results pages), build brand authority and recognition, and provide valuable content to their audience relevant to their industry. As part of the team at InboundLabs, I carried out the deliverables.

After we began publishing blogposts, search traffic increased 111% on average when comparing monthly traffic from three months in 2020 (August - October) to the same period in 2019. During that same period new users increased 113%, organic traffic increased 283%, and social traffic increased by 169%.

The blog is the highest driver of traffic to the website, representing 42% of all website traffic at the time of writing.

Learn more about PARKITECT here.

PARKITECT (HubSpot and blog management client) - a rider on a PARKITECT pumptrack placed in an underpass.
Bobbi Parker-Hall: client for inbound marketing strategy, email marketing, webpage builds

Client: Bobbi Parker-Hall


Email marketing strategy and creation; webpage builds and inbound marketing strategy


Email marketing Email automation email copywriting MailChimp marketing technology SquareSpace SEO inbound marketing strategy

Project Scope and Outcome:

Bobbi Parker-Hall specializes in helping women that are 50+ get in the best shape of their lives. As part of her brand, she offers asynchronous online fitness programs that are distributed through email.

Work I perform includes:

Bobbi received a record number of enrollments (50+) for one of the first workout programs we launched together.

Learn more about Bobbi Parker-Hall here.

  • Copy edit workout plans and enhance their appearance using basic UX design principles.
  • Create emails: use email templates, provide copy editing, QA (quality assurance and testing), scheduling
  • Build landing pages and instructional pages on the website using SquareSpace’s drag-and-drop editor.
  • Provide as-needed strategic marketing advice.

Copy editing and webpage build example

Client: Bobbi Parker-Hall specializes in helping  post-menopausal women get in the best shape of their lives.The final version of the weekly workout transferred and built on Bobbi’s website using the SquareSpace content management system. Sample of a weekly workout from Bobbi prior to copy editing and UX design enhancement.The same weekly workout document post-editing and layout changes.Mailchimp email marketing example: this email was sent to distribute weekly workouts as it appears in gmail desktop, one of the most popular email clients. Why subject lines and preheader text matter: The email highlighted in red is the same email, as seen from the inbox.
Infinivate: SEO audit, inbound and digital marketing strategy, HubSpot client

Client: Inf!navate


Website SEO audit; inbound and digital marketing strategy recommendations, as-needed copy-editing and email marketing support


SEOinbound marketing strategyemail marketingemail copy editing, Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console HubSpot marketing technology

Project Scope and Outcome:

Inf!navate provides supplemental staffing and consultancy services for the IT industry. Under new ownership in 2019, the firm sought recommendations for improving their digital inbound marketing strategy and foot print.

I provided an SEO audit and inbound marketing recommendations for inf!navate. The work included:

  • One-hour kickoff and “story” phone call
  • Keyword research
  • Google Analytics and Google Search Console installation and analysis
  • HubSpot account review
  • KPI (key performance indicator) development
  • Competitive analysis
  • Buyer persona research

Additional work I provided included:

  • RSS email and email newsletter template creation in HubSpot, copy editing, QA and scheduling
  • Landing page content copy editing and strategic review

Learn more about inf!navate here.

NWEA: email marketing, Marketo  client

Client: NWEA


As-needed email marketing support


email marketing Marketomarketing technology QA (quality assurance and testing)

Project Scope and Outcome:

NWEA is mission-driven and student-centric. Their research-based, not-for-profit organization creates academic assessments for students pre-K through 12, and are currently used by over 9,500 schools and districts in 145 countries. 

NWEA maintains a robust email schedule for their global clients that promotes monthly and periodic newsletters, grant opportunities, and events. I provide NWEA with as-needed email marketing support. NWEA provides copy, images and links, and I add the contents in the email service provider, and QA (quality assurance and testing) emails - reviewing plain and HTML versions - prior to scheduling.

Learn more about NWEA here.


Client: XCM


Building a lead nurture campaign in HubSpot.


Email copyEmail Marketing HubSpot Marketing Automation Marketing Technology

Project Scope and Outcome:

XCM is a SaaS (software as a service) provider in the accounting and tax industry. They required a marketing professional with expertise in HubSpot to take existing content, perform minimal copy editing to quickly and efficiently build forms, landing pages and emails as part of a lead nurture campaign. I also performed a thorough QA of the work.

“Marian did an outstanding job in helping us program a complex nurture campaign which involved multiple emails, landing pages, and forms in Hubspot. Marian's technical Hubspot skills combined with her overall business and marketing acumen is a unique skill set that sets her apart from other freelancers we researched...The milestones were completed on time and within budget. She truly has a passion for her work and delivers the best customer experience. I would rehire her in the future without hesitation.”

Learn more about XCM here.

HighViz Marketing: HubSpot webpage builds client

Client: HighViz Marketing


HubSpot, website and content tasks


HubSpot icopywriting for SEO (website, images, metas) QA (quality assurance and testing)

Project Scope and Outcome:

HighViz Marketing is a HubSpot partner that specializes in providing inbound marketing for forklift dealerships and the material handling industry. HighViz needed an extra set of HubSpot-saavy hands to complete a new website launch for Southern States Toyota Forklift.

Work I perform includes:

  • Organized, created and edited product pages.
  • Selected and edited product photos
  • Wrote copy for brochure header and meta descriptions
  • Incorporated technical SEO (clear titles, alt-text for images, meta-descriptions)
  • Made minor template edits

Post-launch, Southern States Toyota Forklift saw their forklift certifications more than double and monthly site traffic broke a record after only one month.

Learn more about HighViz Marketing here.

“I was impressed with Marian’s organizational skills and I loved that she always solicits feedback so that communication is clear and projects move forward.”